Moustache, A rhythm Musical Comedy

Musical written and directed by Coco Comín, under the musical direction of Xavier Mestres and with the choreographies of Sharon Lavi and Júlia Ortínez. It premiered at the Teatro Apolo in Barcelona on December 13, 2016.

“Mustache is a music hall located in London in the early 20th century, where Little Max resides. He and his companions perform shows for the working class until the arrival of His Highness King Edward VII. From there the shows they are offered to the monarchy, but little Max wants to stop being pigeonholed as “the jester of the king” to interpret Shakespeare plays “.


Sergio Franco: Little Max  –  Albert Martínez: Harry King  –  Ernest Fuster: Leopold Palmerston  –  Joaquín Catalán: Horacio  –  Júlia Ortínez: Mary «Long Legs»  –  Maria Bossy: Tick  –  Blai Juanet:  little Max cover  –  José A. Moreno: King Eduardo VII and King Jorge V.  –  Muntsa Rius: Constance Collins


Alba Carretero – Aina Casanovas – Evangelina Esteves – Eugènia Mur – Élia Solé – Laura Cugat – Alejandro Carrera – Alex Llorca – Marius Praniauskas – Gustav Borehed


Xavier Mestres – Narcís Vidal – Roger Conesa – Jordi Sánchez – Josep «Pinyu» Martí – Luis Chacón

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